Live and Create!

In art as in life, there is no need to reinvent the wheel or
fix what is not broken. Sharing what is working in my art teaching world and
hoping to hear and learn from you is the reason for my blog! I currently have some
amazing young artists so take a look at some of our recent work! Please feel free to comment and add
suggestions! I would be remiss in not thanking all the fellow artists and
teachers out there who I have previously explored and learned from. Your myriad
ideas and projects have served as an inspiration to me and my students!
Be inspired!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Grade 3 Tropical Still-life

I enjoy teaching still-life to 3rd graders who respond very well to the lesson. We talk about perspective, overlapping, composition, breaking it into shapes and looking at values; highlights and shadows. This year we completed a Tropical still-life reflecting the theme of Grandparent's Day. I demonstrated on the white board and then asked each child to choose a neutral colored chalk and sketch out their drawing. Then we talked about color, contrast and opposites and I demonstrated coloring and blending the fruit in my still-life drawing. We spent two class periods filling the drawings with color, shadows and highlights; carefully spraying in between layers. I am proud of their drawings and success with chalk!

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